Do you know how ugly I am?

It's the kind of ugliness
which can't be cured
by botox
by implants
suck-this-out insert-this-here

If you could see how ugly I am
you'd point you finger at me at the mall
and stand there with you mouth open
If you knew
how child-scaring
freak show

I am

I love my ugliness
I cuddle up with it on dark nights
I paint the canvas with it my ugliness
mix it with in ink
to scrawl poetry
on starbuck napkins

because my ugliness is my muse

this skin you see is not mine
it's a thin coat of mix-it-yourself plaster
carefully painted over
my beautiful


I am the hungry hunted kind

I walk a hundred miles
to fall into your trap


I wish my heart didn't beat quite so fast
perhaps a nice slow waltz
and not this electro-techno-act

I wish my fingers didn't shake
I wish the sedative would take
maybe some more tranquilizers
or a freelancing hypnotizer

just bring the silence back again